Monday, 19 June 2017

New for the summer.......

Forest School for Parents & Toddlers!

Led by qualified forest school leader Kev Bull at the Secret Valley Woodland in Glastonbury
July 6th, 20th & 27th
August 3rd, 17th & 24th

Email Sam at for further information

£8 per child per session

Saturday, 13 May 2017

Forest School club remaining date + overnight camp........

Final date until the Autumn: 8th July 2017

Led by qualified forest school leaders Kev Bull & Ingrid Crawford & assisted by Pauline Plant

 £10 per child per session

Overnight Camp!

11am Saturday 19th – 11am Sunday 20th
August 2017

For children aged 9 -12 years

£45 per child to include vegetarian meals

Booking essential - Email Sam at for further information and to book a place

Forest School 13th May.......

Making chocolate bananas

Easter at the Secret Valley

Making a rope bridge....

Preparing a biscuit tin for charcoal making

Making pencils using elder & charcoal

Using the pencils to decorate eggs

Sunday, 19 March 2017

Red Brick Building Seedy Sunday Seed Swap

Great fun today in the community garden at the Red Brick. Thanks to all the children who made wonderful bead necklaces! Well done to the two girls who fired up the kelly kettle and were rewarded for their efforts with hot chocolate!

Parents of younger children - please email us and we will see what we can organise for your child's age group. Please let us know how old your child is, and whether you would prefer something to be happening on a weekday or at the weekend. It would be great to get something sorted. Thank you. Kev.

Recent photos by Ingrid...